Thursday 5 March 2015

Movement Pictures

I found this task very difficult as I was unsure of how to interpret different moving styles through the use of shutter speeds. After a lot of research into different photographers and their take on movement and discussion with friends and family I decided on using the 4 elements as the basic idea of my photos.
I then found it hard `to use different shutter speeds for each picture as I found using longer speeds outdoors let in too much natural light during the day so I only used the long shutter speeds at night and short-speeds during the day and outdoors.


Above are my element photos, you can see I used a mixture of inside and outdoor shots to try different shutter speeds. For example the 'Earth' photograph uses a quick shutter-speed of 1/750 to capture the movement of the car but it has a static background, I found it was more effective to use this shutter speed rather than 1/1000 because I seemed to miss a good positioning of the cars, I used a similar speed to capture the birds in the 'Air' photo, this also didn't capture the blur-motion of the sea-gulls which means the image is more crisp and defined. I did however use slower-shutter speeds of around 1/30 to capture the motion of the fire and water. I found focus on the background was important when taking the photo as if the background was blurry the whole image ended up being blurred, this is why I used a tripod. I prefer the fire image over water as I think its more interesting and shows better movement within the candles but I like how defined the drip of water actually is.

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