Wednesday 15 April 2015

Martin Parr's Beaches

Martin Parr looked at beaches across the world and I found his work on Benidorm the most interesting. I liked the way he used his telephoto lens to capture the true range and amount of people that visit this holiday destination.

I liked this photo as it shows the small amount of space between each person on the beach. I find this interesting as this is a true representation of what is actually happens during the summer months in Benidorm. I also enjoy how he has taken the photos from a different perspective, as all my other research has shown wide empty spaces of beach with a calm tide. Parr however, has shown a caotic side to the beaches by having a true representation.
The legs in the picture above could also mean that people come at different angles, which also then shows the busyness of the beach. 

I found this photo intriguing because of the amount of people you can see on the beach, which gives you a lot to look at and focus on. I like this fact as you notice different things every time you look at it, which is a nice effect. I feel that this picture goes well with the other one as they both show the vast amount of people which all gather in this holiday resort, as well as the similar demographic of people who visit. I also enjoy the depth of field used in this photo as it shows off the different layers of people well, and it adds more texture to the image.   

I will take from this set of images the different perspectives of beaches which may be from different angles or from someone else's different views. I  will also consider how the series of photos go together, like Parr's focuses on the people and the space, I might focus on the beach itself or just one particular beach. 

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